Reiki is a complementary energy healing therapy based on the principle that the practitioner channels energy from the universal source and activates the natural healing processes of the body and restores physical and emotional well-being.
Reiki is all about moving more into a state of balance on all levels, ultimately achieving more balance in your life. This may involve the resolution of some health problems, changes in beliefs or attitudes or a realisation of one’s true values and priorities in life. Reiki is all about change, finding out what is right for you in your life and making a decision to move you closer to what is right for you. Please check out my blog post if you’d like to find out a bit more about reiki and what happens during a treatment.
Clients can experience the benefits of Reiki as a stand-alone treatment, as well as having a series of treatments. Reiki is £70 for a 60 minute appointment, including some time for a small consultation. I have allocated spaces for discounted Reiki treatments for those on low-income. I am based in Sussex and can offer reiki therapy in Brighton and St Leonards, Hastings